Monday, September 9, 2024

Please support my fundraiser Patriot HS Dramatis Personae 2024/25

Please help me reach my $900 Goal.
  Snap Raise  
Please help me
reach my
$900 goal

I'm raising money for Patriot HS Dramatis Personae 2024/25.

Please help me reach my goal. Any donation amount has a major impact on our program.



We are raising funds to pay for equipment and materials that are required for a successful theatre program. Fundraising and ticket sales are an important part of how we pay for those costs. We appreciate every donation- Thank you!


You can also support me by sharing my fundraiser page with your own network of friends and family. Head to the fundraiser page to share.

Click below to go to my fundraiser page where you can learn more and make a difference for our program. Thanks for all of your help!

Madison Theiss
Check out our fundraiser page to learn more and donate
Snap Raise
  © Snap! Raise Inc. 2024

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